Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Can I Use Minoxidil during LPP?


The best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata is often asked that if any patient can use Minoxidil who have active Scarring Alopecia. But it cannot be said easily as it depends upon the patient and more over the specific details. Before we tackle the question, we need to know what active scarring alopecia is.


What is Active Scarring Alopecia?

 Active scarring alopecia refers to hair loss caused by an overactive immune system process. The patient may have scalped itching, have increased scalp burning and may be shedding more and more hair. All of these things point to active scarring alopecia. What do we do when scarring alopecia is deemed active? Well, we increased the amount of immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory treatments we are using.


Here are just some of the examples of how we change treatment is we feel LPP is active.


Example 1: Instead of using steroid injections, they might use steroid injections and topical steroids.


Example 2: Instead of using topical steroids, we might add oral doxycycline.


Example 3: Instead of using oral doxycycline and topical steroids, a patient might take  oral doxycycline plus oral hydroxychloroquine, suggested by the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata.


In other words, once the LPP is determined to be active (or still active) we are going to make some pretty important decisions about increasing treatment. These are indeed big decisions because treatments have potential side effects, cost money.


What are the potential side effects of minoxidil?

Now, let’s focus on minoxidil and the potential side effects. In addition to side effects like headaches, dizziness and heart palpitations and hair growth on the face, minoxidil can cause two important side effects for patients with scarring alopecia: 1) Minoxidil can cause increased hair shedding and 2) Minoxidil can cause scalp itching for some people.  These two side effects can make it difficult to figure out if the itching and shedding are coming from the active LPP or coming from the minoxidil.


So can anyone use minoxidil if they have LPP or not?

They always advise that patients review use of any medication with their dermatologist. In general, if a patient was using minoxidil for a very long time (without any problem) before the LPP even started, it’s usually fine to continue. In these situations, it’s unlikely any increased shedding or scalp symptoms the patient experiences is going to be attributable to the minoxidil.


But starting up or initiating the use of minoxidil when one has active LPP is active is not usually a good idea. If the patient gets more shedding or more scalp symptoms, it will impossible to tell if they are coming from active LPP or coming from the minoxidil.


In the worst case scenario, one can imagine a situation where the doctor increases the dose of medications thinking that the change in clinical symptoms or signs was due to increased activity of the LPP when really it was just the minoxidil. Imagine if the patient developed a side effect of the new mediation - and it never needed to be started in the first place said by the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

5 Ways to Take Care of Your Hair

 Most people take their hair for granted until they start to lose it. If you can take care of such small things about your hair then you can easily avoid the hair transplant and most importantly the affordable cost of hair transplant in Kolkata.


Actually hair loss is a very common thing that many people suffer from. Losing a few strands of hair is manageable and not something you should worry about. So what if you want to take care of your hair then there are five easy ways to get it done:


1. Control the amount of oil in your hair:

Excessive oil can give problems to the hair like dandruff, dust, etc.  In tough weather conditions, excessive oil will trouble you a lot. So an easy solution to that is to use neem or aloe vera shampoo.

These two ingredients will help you to control the excess oil in the scalp. Coconut oil has the power to make the hair longer,thicker and healthier. The vitamins and fatty acids in coconut oil help nourish your scalp and penetrate the cuticle of the hair, so by using this you can avoid the cost of hair transplant in Kolkata.


2. Be careful when your hair is wet:

Whatever you do, don't brush your hair when it's wet since that is the point at which it's at its most fragile and gets helpless against breakage, split closures and harm. Surprisingly more terribly you can really pull hair from the roots that way. The best and ideal opportunity to brush your hair is the point at which it is nearly or totally dry. Yet, in the event that you have tangles in the wake of washing it or after a dip, you can utilize a wide-tooth brush on your wet hair to reestablish the request yet ensure it has smooth tooth closure so you don't disturb your scalp.

There are numerous acceptable items to apply on wet hair including oil medicines however there are a few items that shouldn't be utilized. Hair shower is an item that ought to never be utilized on wet hair.


While it's enticing to give it somewhat of a splash to keep things set up, particularly in the event that you are air drying and continuing ahead with different things, the solitary thing you will accomplish is crunchy, flaky hair.

When utilizing hairspray, ensure your hair is totally dry to get the ideal outcome.

"Very much like the old advice, “never rest on an argument’' you ought to never rest on your wet hair. Regardless of whether you have submissive straight hair that doesn't crimp, you are still prone to wind up with bunches and it tends to be charming to your hair.


3. Control your alcohol consumption and smoking:


Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to reduced hair growth; those suffering from hair loss should control their alcohol consumption. Smoking also reduces the blood flow from the scalp. Thus those suffering from hair loss must control their alcohol consumption and can reduce hair growth and then suffer from hair loss. Smoking also initiates hair loss.


4. Chemical used in hair:

Suppose you are in a store to buy the essentials for your hair. Are you overwhelmed with the number of options out there? Before going for any hair transplant in Kolkata, you should choose a perfect shampoo for your hair. Don’t run behind the advertisement and the cover. Remember, by using a suitable one you can get rid of many problems.

Are you tired of washing our hair daily to control the excess oil production on your scalp? Excess sebum can make your hair oily and dirty. Oily hair needs to be washed very often to give it a nice shine and reduce its greasiness. So, the point you should keep in your mind while buying shampoo is -

Always look for the labels like “balancing”, “volumizing” so this type of shampoo will help you to reduce the extra sebum from the scalp and maintain the hair properly.


Washing your hair twice with two different shampoos can reduce the excessive oil from the hair and scalp.

After shampooing, try to avoid applying conditioner on your scalp. Apply it only from the middle of the shaft to the ends of your hair. Also, practice good hair rinsing methods to get an oil-free and clean scalp. You can get rid of it if you can balance the oil control of the scalp.

Shampoo Options For Dry Scalp And Hair: You may experience uncontrollable itching if you have dry scalp and it leads to harsh dandruff,flakes and hair fall, furthermore if you don’t maintain proper hygiene while washing your hair, you increase the risk of scalp dryness.

So, there are some key points which will help you to choose the shampoo for dry hair and scalp.Like,

Always look for products with ingredients like aloe vera, egg protein, shea butter, soy milk, and glycerin. These ingredients can provide essential moisture to your dry scalp.

You should avoid fortifying or volumizing shampoos and hair care products that contain sulfates. They can strip moisture from your scalp and make it dry.


5. Food Consumption:

Those suffering from hair loss must also watch their diet as there might be something missing. Protein-rich foods are known to strengthen one’s hair. Vitamin A helps with sebum production; vitamin B helps maintain the healthy look of your hair and vitamin E betters blood circulation in the scalp. Vitamin A and B can be found in meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products while Vitamin E is found mainly in vegetable oil, wheat germ, nuts, nut butter, and seeds.


There are many reasons as to why one starts losing hair; no one can predict their hair fall. One can only follow preventive measures and take care of their hair. However, if the hair fall cannot be stopped and the damage has already been done, then just opt for the hair transplant clinic but before that be concerned about the affordable cost of hair transplant in Kolkata.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

What will happen in Hair Transplant with Scar?

Scar is a biological process of healing and yet is often considered unpleasant in the human eyes. It can occur anywhere in the body including the scalp so this can cause physical disability as well. Hair fall also occurs due to the scar and the cost of hair transplant in Kolkata also depends on this type of disability.


When the patient comes to a doctor for a transplant he is quite pessimistic and he was quite sure that nothing can be done  but hair transplantation can carry good results in the  cost of hair transplant in kolkata.


Scars can be broadly divided for us into-

Primary- Scars developed due to varying dermatological conditions including the Cicatricial/ Scarring Alopecias

Secondary- This includes accidental and non accidental traumatic scars as well as iatrogenic scars.


Lastly and yet importantly like any other hair transplant surgery a good donor area is necessary. The graft extracted are implanted by Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) / Direct Hair Transplantation ( DHT) technique with utmost care whilst graft handling, strictly following ‘ no root touch’.


Hair transplant done strategically bears fruitful results for the patient if he or she can avail the cost of hair transplant in Kolkata.


It is important to note that it is essential to educate the patient of the wavelength of the possible outcomes as scar tissue behaves differently from normal tissue.


 Restoring a patient’s looks is life changing and the confidence that comes with it is evident from the happiness the patient experiences.


Monday, July 26, 2021

Minoxidil Dread Shed - What is it?

 Minoxidil lotion and foam are FDA approved for the treatment of Androgenic Alopecia (AGA), both for men and women. This type of hair loss is also called Male Pattern Balding and for females this is known as Female Pattern Hair Loss. These two diseases are very common to the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata.


A common concern among individuals who are deciding whether or not to use minoxidil is the potential for them to develop an increased amount of daily hair shedding in the first 6-8 weeks of starting minoxidil. This is known in the public as the "dread shed." Medically, the term is "immediate telogen release." This type of shedding is not to be confused with the shedding that happens when people with androgenetic alopecia incorrectly stop using minoxidil. (One must never stop treatment if they have androgenetic alopecia or else new hair growth will be shed and all benefits will be lost).


The 'dread shed' can be frightening when it occurs but is generally mild for most. Understanding why this occurs is important to help individuals decide whether this treatment is right for them to start or not but if the patient is willing to do it then it should be done by the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata.


The increased shedding that accompanies starting minoxidil needs to occur for most people. It's not something that is really all that abnormal - it just looks abnormal. When you look closely at the scalps of men and  women with androgenetic alopecia (especially early stages of AGA), one will notice that a higher than normal proportion of cells are in the shedding phase. These hairs are waiting their turn to shed. Hairs generally need to wait in line 2-3 months before they are shed. That's just the rule of nature. That's what it means to be human.


When minoxidil is applied to the scalp, a signal is sent to all hairs that are waiting in line to be shed. The message that is relayed is that the hairs no longer need to wait 2-2 months in that line. Rather any hair that is waiting in line to be shed is welcome to shed now.  The mandatory 2-3 month waiting period has been temporarily waived. And so what the patient then experiences is an increased amount of hairs coming out on a daily basis once they start minoxidil. What is being shed is hairs that were destined to come out anyways:


Instead of coming out tomorrow, a hair comes out today

Instead of coming out in 2 weeks, a hair comes out in tomorrow

Instead of coming out in 4 weeks, a hair comes out in 1 week

Instead of coming out in 6 weeks, a hair comes out in 2 weeks

This is the 'dread shed' or 'immediate telogen release" which is the most frustrating topic towards the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Reasons Behind the Male Pattern Baldness (MPB)


Male Pattern Baldness or MPB or Androgenic Alopecia is a symptom which can be seen in male body. Though a female variant is also present.


Andro genetic means basically two components. Andro or androgen owing to the Dihydrotestosterone naturally originated in the body from testosterone.

And secondly, being the genetic part can't likely escape. The treatment can be done in the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata like PLCSC.


What is the reason behind the baldness?

It is not caused due to only Dihydrotestosterone. It is one of the reasons but it is also regulated by many of the genes present in your body. There are several studies on what ch is done in the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata where it is stated that it may be multifactorial.


So an explanation of male Pattern baldness is coming to that part as to why only the native hair is affected by it and not the back donor. So the research is still in dark though we know that the unknown chemical signalling at the molecular level causes the roots of the hair follicles in the frontal, temporal, parietal, lateral, hump, mid scalp, crown to be negatively impacted causing them to slowly thin out.


However the hair follicle roots in the back donor are relatively insensitive in the presence of Dihydrotestosterone in the male body. Thus when these follicles are transplanted the recipient stays and grows strong if you had done the surgery from the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata.


Dihydrotestosterone even after being considered as the main evil of all, a good nutrition is also needed for a lustrous mane.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

How to Identify the person who can Undergo Hair Transplant?


Modern medication has given us the miraculous ability to transplant hearts, lungs, kidneys, livers, pancreas, intestines, corneas and alternative organs from one person into another person. So, will we transplant hairs from one person to another person too? It’s a great question and one of the top hair transplant surgeons in Kolkata is asked at least once each week. In theory the answer is yes, but truly the solution isn't any.

So there are some points by which you can understand that who is the ideal candidate for hair transplant?


1. It is a procedure by which hair from one part of the body is implanted to another body part. It is mainly used for balding people according to the top hair transplant surgeon in kolkata.


2. The hair is mainly collected from the back of the scalp and also the beard in many case of hair transplant in Kolkata. This is known as the donor area and transplanted on the bald area is known as the recipient area.


3. Before going in for a surgery, many types of blood tests are done to check out if any pre existing diseases are present or not.


4. It must be noted that going in for a hair transplant, this does not stop hair loss progression.


5. A strong donor area is a very important aspect in hair transplants and care has to be taken during extraction of grafts to prevent overharvesting or damage during the extraction process. The quality of hair and texture in the donor area is another important aspect.


6. It is generally seen that thick and curly hair has a better coverage property and creates a better density appearance, rather than the thin and straight hair.


7. After the surgery, especially in the younger age group, one has to be put on certain medication, so as to preserve the existing hair and has been seen in many cases to help in new hair regrowth also.

So it is a delicate, time taking procedure done very skilfully and artistically by experienced hands to get good and desired results for the case of hair transplant in Kolkata.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

7 Facts You must Know About Hair Transplant


Hair transplant in kolkata basically includes the movement of the uncovered safe hair follicles to the going bald zones on top of the head from the rear of the stow away. This interaction is basically lasting since hair follicles from the rear of the head will in general be impervious to hairlessness independent of where they have been found.


Fact - 1

Follicle is a single strand of hair. A group of existing follicles on the scalp is called a follicular unit or graft. The number of follicles depends upon the person with an average of 2-3 per graft.


Fact -2

In case of baldness there is a permanent zone and a temporary zone from where the hair is prone to early miniaturisation due to baldness on the scalp. According to a ln average statistics around 100000 hair grafts, out of which 75000 are temporary and 25000 are Permanent. The usual permanent area is above the neck and the ears which forms a horseshoe shaped area on the back scalp.

Fact - 3

Hair fall and baldness are not the same thing. Hair fall is the root of discarding the hair strand after maturation in order to give birth to younger hair strand which is a typical phase of a normal hair cycle. In baldness, however, the hair follicles miniaturize along with the roots and eventually disappear altogether due to its sensitivity to the presence of DHT in the body.

Fact - 4

First of all Androgenic Alopecia is not a disease. It is just a natural phenomenon occurring to all men of any age.

Fact - 5

Hair transplant doesn't stop the progression of baldness. Always find the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata for the surgery purpose.


Fact - 6

If you are doing the surgery form the best Hair Transplant clinic in Kolkata like PLCSC then you will not feel any pain. It is a very significant procedure and the patients are okay immediately after the whole procedure. No admittance is required.

Fact - 7

Hair transplant is a very tedious process so a skilled and experienced surgeon from the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata.

Is it Possible to Correct Bad Hair Transplant?

  Hair transplant kolkata basically includes the movement of the uncovered safe hair follicles to the going bald zones on top of the head...